Mustering The Strength To FIGHT!

Has life ever knocked you down blow after blow and you thought you would never make it out? Death, grief, and pain can be hard. While going through you can't see your way out. In this book, I share several stories that knocked me off my feet but God graced me to go through them. I lost two people very close to me in tragic ways and fought for one another. Even with all of that, God kept me and he will keep you too. I share my story in hopes that it encourages you to keep fighting too. Fight for your healing.

 “The book is Amazing! The writer takes you through the journey of faith and yes a faith fight that will leave you knowing that if God did it for her then he will certainly work things out for you. The transparency made you feel Tasha’s heart, her pain, and even walk through her uncertainties but she never gave up on God. I recommend this read wholeheartedly & even use it as a training tool for coaches.” — Sandra A Sanders

 “This book was a great read. If you’re struggling with inner peace, sit down and read. The author bears all on how she overcame so many obstacles most would have lost their mind to. Dealing with unforeseen deaths and everyday life is a battle. Tasha’s faith showed me how you have to continue to dig deep to fight a good fight.” — Lachele Thorbs